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Monday, December 21, 2009

PolitiFact: Announcing the Lie of the Year! SARAH!!!!




From: "Bill Adair, PolitiFact Editor" <>
Sent: Mon, December 21, 2009 10:40:22 AM
Subject: PolitiFact: Announcing the Lie of the Year!

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Our Lie of the Year: 'death panels'

In the end, it wasn't a difficult choice. PolitiFact's editors and reporters agreed unanimously that one falsehood was head-and-shoulders above the rest and deserved the high honor of our Lie of the Year: "death panels."

The now-famous claim by Sarah Palin was a fitting choice for a year in which the Internet transformed political discourse because it came not during the congressional debate or a television ad. It came from a posting on Palin's Facebook page.

Check out Angie Holan's fascinating account of how the phrase had its roots in the early days of the health care debate and how key Republicans added rhetorical support.

Death panels was also our readers' choice for Lie of the Year, winning more than 60 percent of the vote. 

Keep checking PolitiFact this week and next for more end-of-year coverage, including our 2009 tally on the Truth-O-Meter, our Top 10 most popular items, and a feature on the toughest calls we had to make.

Happy holidays!

Bill Adair photo— Bill Adair
Washington Bureau Chief
St. Petersburg Times
Healthcare Reform – A Complete Analysis

About PolitiFact:

PolitiFact , a feature of the St. Petersburg Times, is an impartial site that helps you sort out the truth in American politics. We rate the accuracy of statements by elected officials, special interest groups, pundits and talk show hosts. We also are tracking more than 500 campaign promises made by Barack Obama. PolitiFact has won numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting.


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