Our relationship has been a great blessing to me, and to this friendas well I think. But as has so often been the case in Start's life,this promising relationship may well be headed toward being a massive frustration and drain on my friend. Hencethis note, that may be of benefit to others as well. This is prompted
my my encounter of today with this blessed friend.]Dear Friends,
I am writing this out of Love and Compassion for you. That is, I
don't need you to read the following for me, and I suspect it is
likely to become a rather long email. I provide it because I feel
it may empower you in managing our relationship, and reduce what otherwise
might be mountains of unproductive frustration and unhappiness
for you. I need no reply. I don't need for you to read any further.
I simply need to make some things AVAILABLE for you, my Friend,
for wherever these things they may lead.
The circle of Leaders in whose company I SL have learned to consider
myself includes Pr. Obama, Gandhi, King, Jesus.... Ridiculous, yes?
I know. Hilarius! But Our Father and this circle of Mentors agree with me.
:-) . Seriously. It is not by accident that I've attained this level - my entire life's
dedication has been toward this end, because as one of you and I
shared today, "Leadership is Everything." There is no hope for
my suffering Family of 6.8 billion and the 10's of billions that are
born in the future, unless there comes about a spark(s) of Transformative
Leadership that causes a total Revolution of the Spirit - Globally,
that is, a spark that brings about the Revolution that our
beloved Jesus was Dying to unleash, and so too the ML King's and Gandhi's
of the world afterward; and we've all but irreversibly concluded
our global journey in exactly the opposite direction through this
moment in history.
Now, what is the nature of this desperate Leadership need? Is it incremental?
Is it small steps? Is it something that can take place over decades -
centuries? Is it normal? Is it more of what we've seen, only better?
The nature of the leadership task to Save Humanity -
physically and spiritually, now in 2009, a world that is within months
of being beyond redemption in Life Support (
Plan B 4.0) is instantaneous,
Totally Transformative Leadership that within months, NOT decades
or centuries brings Our Father's Kingdom to Earth, Universal "Family,"
on a Global Scale - EXACTLY the Miracle Jesus Died for, and that so far
He has TOTALLY and completely FAILED to bring to fruition.
On an infinitely smaller, but not insignificant scale, this has been
my life's work - Saving the Lives (livelihoods) of thousands of folks
in high-tech industry from all but certain doom - serial major and minor
Leadership Miracles that defied all odds and all prevailing wisdom.
And they were achieved in no other way than Spiritual Transformation.
The last company I ran went from certain downfall to increase in
market value 20 fold in the 3 years I was leading the hundreds
of people involved. This is not atypical of my Leadership impact
throughout my 28 year professional career. Serial human Miracles
against impossible odds, leveraging the Great Unseen Force -
Human Goodness, Universal Love, the Truths of Jesus, God some
call it - to achieve results considered unimaginable.
And ALWAYS I've been viewed as weird, strange, stubborn, hard
headed, Messianic, wrong, misguided, outsider.... "If at first the idea [person] is not
absurd, it has no hope." Albert Einstein. The hallmark of insanity is
attempting to achieve different results by doing things the same old way.
The Truths of Jesus I've been working to grasp, be grasped by,
to understand and to master since I was young, and explicitly and
concertedly these last 12 years. For 5 of those years I understandably
thought that what calls itself the "Christian" "Church," whatever
denominations, was where I could go for help in gaining the mastery
I needed to be able to "Save." What instead I found was a near
perfect slaughterhouse for the Spirit - all denominations. The
Scribes, Pharisees, the Hypocrites of Jesus' day have simply re-branded
their murder as "Christianity," totally perverted and corrupted
His Truths, and have been keeping Him DEAD for the last 1900 years.
I accuse FEW of conscious malice; nor did Jesus - Hypocrisy is the
great Murderer - Lying to oneself first, and thereby murdering
Truth, the Holy Spirit, Universal Love - the only hope for Humanity.
I DESPERATELY wish there were those who could teach me the
fundamentals of Jesus' Truth, what "Church" should be, because everything
in my life has convinced me that Jesus was our Einstein of "Saving" ourselves. But
there are not. And in their stead are the "blind guides," "ravening
wolves," armies of "Christian" hypocrites - general merchants of death
that have turned my Father's House, the Church, into a den of thieves,
a Slaughterhouse of the Truth, of Life.
With 1-2 billion "Christians"
on earth and
now earth is MUCH MORE HELLISH than before there were
such a large % of "Christians," there are only two conclusions possible -
B. That
being TRUE "Christian" is of NO EARTHLY IMPORT OR IMPACT!!!! Jesus'
teachings were nothing more than a Mystical obstacle course/
game of chance that determines whether you go to Hell or Heaven after you
die! There is NO WAY, if there are billions of Christians, in TRUTH, that Jesus
Truths are other than earthly weak nonsense IF WE ARE TRULY CHRISTIANS!
"B" is Utter horrible, insane, murderous nonsense. We are no more
"Christian" than the Jews of Jesus' day; and worse, cuz we've
built up monstrous immunity to His Truth these last 1900 years.
"I like your Christ. I do NOT like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
Gandhi. "I think that to be a Christian you should resemble Jesus."
Teresa of Calcutta. Start agrees. And we don't. So, we AREN'T.
I am totally, 100% dedicated to becoming the embodiment of what Jesus
died to give me, and to share it with as many of my beloved fellow
humans as I can, thereby Saving as many as I can. He TRULY knew
that Miracles were possible, NECESSARY, and He taught and showed us
the way. I'm in. Not to Talk, not to Pretend, but TO DO, OR DIE.
In principle I, Start, am open to discuss anything! I am NOT God and
therefore do NOT have perfect knowledge of, well, anything. And
in the realm of things that our western society deems worthy of
discussion - sports, entertainment, stuff - not only would I of necessity
be open to discussion - I'd have to sit with my mouth shut - cuz
I know NOTHING OF THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally. But in
the realm of TRANSFORMATIVE, HIGH STAKES Leadership, and the
realm of Christ Jesus - well, tragically, I've found during my lifetime
such a murderous void of knowledge and expertise available, I've
been forced to attempt, and to succeed at becoming a world
authority, if no one but me and Our Father knows that I have become.
So, I know EVERYTHING on these 2 subjects? :-( In 20 lifetimes I
would not. But in the same way that today there are recognized,
and unrecognized world authorities in Physics, yet they will be
deemed ignorant and inept centuries from now; your brother
Start is for today, a world authority on Leadership and the
Truths of Christ Jesus, today.
It offends me not the least anyone that does not recognize this,
my professed Authority in Leadership and Jesus' Truth. It breaks my heart, in the
same way it broke the heart of Dr. Jos. Lister that in 1870 he knew
that unclean scalpels were the cause of massive slaughter, but
for another 30 years of carnage he FAILED IN LEADING ANYONE to change
their behavior! But as Lister, and Jesus before me, I KNOW the
Truth sufficiently in the areas of Transformative Leadership and
Jesus' Truth that no physical price or pressure will be able to cause me to
deviate from attempting to bring them to Earth - and Our Father's
Kingdom thereby - nothing more, nothing less, NOTHING ELSE.
Now presumably, during those 30 years for Lister, there were folks
that took genuine compassion on Lister, and attempted to get
him to "see" the error of his knowledge, or methods. And at
the time, ALL CONVENTIONAL WISDOM were with those trying
to "Save" Lister from his folly, to "educate" him, to "correct" him.
But he WOULD NOT BE SAVED, not were it to "cost" him everything,
and neither will Start be "Saved." :-)
Right around 1900 Our Father, Universal Love, The Way Things Are...
took Mercy on Jos. Lister, and Humanity. Our Father arranged for
the Queen of England to require surgery, and made it known to her
the theories of Jos. Lister. She demanded he come and that his
ideas be followed to the letter. She survived and recovered. In
a brief time then the world of surgery was Transformed - Globally.
It took 30 years, but Jos. Lister became a Transformative Leader
of the world, as few have before or since. And for every Jos.
Lister that Our Father finally helped, there were 1000's just as
Enlightened, just as possessed by Truth that Our Father did NOT
allow to see the Truth of their promise, nor for the world to
recognize it. And that is Our Father's way. And so it is for Jesus,
so far.
Start is alone. With decades of expensive training, and decades
of Leadership expertise and skills, he sits, mostly alone, in front of the White
House, ignored, disrespected, irrelevant, scorned, largely abandoned.
If you pick up your cross - YOU
today live as though Jesus stated or implied some time limit on that;
that He thoughtlessly left off - "Oh, that is, Until the world is crawling
with false prophets, re-branded scribes and parisee "Christians" calling out
in my name - THEN you won't be Crucified any more." Huh?
HE GAVE US NO SUCH TIME LIMIT - except the implied - WHEN I
that has happened? Who thinks Jesus would call America a "Christian"
Nation? Who thinks there are more than 1 in 100,000 "Christians"
that Jesus would recognize? Start does NOT think so.
For those that worry that Start is alone, failing, wasting his talents
and life - you need not worry. If Start does not exist in Heaven,
he wishes not to be told, cuz that is how EVERY second feels to him.
:-) And if there are those that persist
in trying to "Save" Start from the errors of his ways - get ready for
some massive frustration, and eventual impatience or unavailability.
Start doesn't have time for the basics, debate, or arguing the "basic"
Truths. He has time to be left alone, or..........
Start YEARNS for the day when Our Father, Universal Love, brings
alongside him others WITH THE SAME VISION OF TRUTH, JESUS'
are on Fire with that Truth, or YEARNING to be so. WHO HAVE FAITH
them alone Start has all the time our Father Gives him to FACE
the Truth, Learn the Truth, Master the Truth, be MASTERED BY
the Truth - and to work to Save the World, or die in the attempt.
With much Love for you all,