This site is the daily repository of the most strategic articles for the Universally Loving US Activist.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

At the vigil this morning Mike said, "If I get sick, well, I'll die, that's all."

Awesome guy, from WV.  Thomas would have adored him,  Troy,
and Robin too.  He was  here at 7am hoping to meet up with fellow
marchers he'd attempted to organize to march on a vacant prison
in N. VA to take it over for the homeless.  No one showed.  We
spoke for a while. 

He proudly told me he has just a 9th grade education.  He is
married.  Is designing and building a prototype low cost
individual homeless shelter - hydrogen powered....  Very smart.
Wayyyyyyyyy better informed on world issues than most folks
in DC, or the middle / upper classes in the US generally.

"Yup, I've got no health insurance.  I've been smoking since
I was 14. I know I'm sick, I cough a lot.  I'll not burden my
wife with debt.  When I get sick, I'll just die."

"The killing will continue until we brothers and sisters take the field."  SL