This site is the daily repository of the most strategic articles for the Universally Loving US Activist.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Recently very constructive resumes Obama Scapegoating

Rather than lay the blame at the feet of its do-nothing
Progressive Arm-Chair readership
resumes scapegoating Obama Admin and Congress:

Geithner: Economic Recovery "Going to Take Awhile." Gee, Thanks Pal. What is This Wall Street Insider Doing to Help Main Street? Not Much.

While grossly inflating the work of 2 or 3 news personalities
to somehow magically cover the inert, cowardly, inactive
Progressive base:

The Netroots Raise the Heat, Hit the Strests and Start Impacting Healthcare Reform by Getting Tough. Yes!

I pray these are isolated lapses rather than a return to the suicidal
pandering to its readership (funders) that was so prevalent only weeks