This site is the daily repository of the most strategic articles for the Universally Loving US Activist.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I've just finished watching the movie 1984. We're on the Left are agents of 1984.

Today's news and catatonic non-reaction to it is more horrifying to me
than this horrifying move 1984.  Climate Change Legislation stalled;
Corporations Destroying Public Option; Republican Destruction of US
Economy being Blamed on Pres. Obama by Left and Right; US backing
Israel in the most Heinous Crimes against Humanity since the Holocaust....

Can't stand listening to NPR.

Can't stand listening to DemocracyNow.  We'll see.

Rachel Maddow?  I have hope.  We'll see.

The Right strips away our humanity with physical torture, fear, war.

The Left is much more violent - stripping away our humanity with
utter irresponsibility, by-standing, hypocrisy, endless writing and

'My problem is not the violent racists.  My problem is the good
people that say, yes, this is horrible, but I can't get involved now,
not in this way, not so radically....'
MLK Jr. paraphrase.