"The ends are pre-existent in the means." MLK Jr. "WE are the MEANS." SL
This site is the daily repository of the most strategic articles for the Universally Loving US Activist.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
GREAT CATCH BUZZFLASH.COM! Patrick Kennedy Takes on the Catholic Church on Healthcare and Abortion: ‘I can’t understand for the life of me how the Catholic Church could be against the biggest social justice issue of our time.’
No fan am I of the man Jesus, no Christian am i. A disciple of Jesus I am, an ardent greedy student, because I want the supremely joyful life that he had and told me I could have, taught me how to have, and have now attained. And infinitely more than for me, I want that joyful life for everyone, most of all, for the least of these my family of humanity. And because the dozens and dozens of great souls throughout history, what they learned and embodied, all points me to his teachings and example. For the collective joyful life of it. Jesus' disciple, James
Ps. Of one thing I am certain, that the only thing I can be certain of is that I know nothing to be true with absolute certainty. To do other than that would be to place myself in the position of allah, yahweh, God, the all-knowing, absolute truth... like the Christians do. And in that and every other way, I am not a christian.